Follow the hero’s journey in our next two Brave Heart Experience workshops: October 28-30 & December 2-4. Confront your fears and develop a deeper sense of authenticity. Speak from the heart, heal your “parent-child” wounds, and access the power of vulnerability. Sign up here.
The Brave Heart Experience at The Last Resort Recovery Center
For Men in 12-step RecoveryThis is an intensive 3-day rite of passage into living a mature recovery lifestyle. The process follows the contour and principals of the 12 steps of AA and the traditional “Hero’s Journey” process as described by Joseph Campbell: The Descent, The Ordeal, and The Return. It is for men in recovery and who are past the initial stabilization period. This process provides a strong opportunity to confront the deepest psychological fears and wounds that have driven a life of dependency and opens men up to a deeper internalization of their ongoing 12-step work. Through a variety of powerful action methods, visualizations, and rituals of transformation, the participants become open to a true sense of authenticity and a mission of service to support long term recovery.